I am the inn keeper, who has a blessing for each one who wanders down this road, for those who would linger long enough to walk down to the stream side, strewn with ancient bedrock boulders and sit in the hammock above the lagoon, where beach leaves, overhanging pools, shimmer with dappled light.
I am the inn keeper who offers a homey space, a cedar log tree house built amid the branches of the forest. Green leaves on waving lattice branches create a fractal art that soothes the heart and pleases the eye, and with each deep breath is sucked inside to craving recesses. Receive the nourishment. Savor and expand with this pure force of life in radiant green.
I am the inn keeper who would pour you a glass of wine and listen to your story and bear witness to your courage, for truly you have come a long way, and I will touch your scar, and let my heart break for your sorrows and rejoice for your imperfect success, for I can see how it has taught you perfectly, how to follow your own truth.
I am the inn keeper who would offer you a soft bed of compassion and a night of deep rest following a soothing bath to release all your strain. Let yourself down into the warm waters, feel your naked body tremble to let go. Feel the water hold you as a mother holds her child, soothing the fears, telling your inner vigilance, it is ok to relax now. Love is coming from the stars and the Sun and leaves of the trees.
I am the inn keeper who has a blessing for each one who wanders down this path. For if you linger in my garden you too will learn the songs, the art of deep listening, soul whispering and natural communion. You too will show others the way to the light & the peace of the forest, with joy and gratitude for the grace that brought you here; for all that you encountered on your way.