"The human venture depends absolutely on this quality of awe and reverence and joy in the Earth and...
“The human venture depends absolutely on this quality of awe and reverence and joy in the Earth and all that lives and grows upon the Earth…In the end the universe can only be explained in terms of celebration. It is all an exuberant expression of existence itself…We must feel that we are supported by that same power that brought the Earth into being, that power that spun the galaxies into space, that tilt the sun and brought the moon into its orbit.” Thomas Berry
The deepest desire of the human I believe, is to open to the wonder of creation as fully and as continuously as possible. It is only through this direct experience, this sensory presence to the natural realm, that we can know and “feel supported by that same power that brought the Earth into being.” A simple practice of being present to nature, is a deep fulfillment.
Yet I notice how difficult staying connected to sensory experience is, so many distracting thoughts seem to lure attention away from reality and full participation in the cosmic celebration. This celebration is apparent to the eyes of my understanding, and yet the eyes of my senses are not fully capable of be-holding the direct experience of life. So in the midst of all this radiance and allurement, as if the light is too much to take, we escape into distraction and pressure and doing. It takes attention and intention to stop and smell the roses. The realm of self-activity has a gravity and universe bending force of its own. It is difficult to stop….and just be for very long.
Science has shown that our bodies respond to our imaginations as completely as they respond to “real” experience. We are in a constantly activated adrenalized state that is neither natural or healthy. Our thoughts are constantly constructing stories of threat to who we think we are. The old 60’s saying “up tight” resonates here. We are a hung up, wound up, and uptight more than we realize. If we relax it is with the help of alcohol, food, sex or other forms of self-medication. We are seeking inner peace and deep fulfillment, which \cannot be found in the realm of the mind or its projections but which is revealed in nature and the ground of stillness out if which it all arises. Nature is sensory and brings us back to our senses.
“Lose your mind and come to your senses.” or more accurately “come to your senses and lose your mind” is the invitation. Having ADD, this was the only form of “stilling the mind” that ever worked for me. The minute we bring awareness into the sensory realm we are not thinking. Thoughts may arise again, but they will be more connected to presence and the moment for a moment. Try to remember to come back to your senses when ever you can.
Each time as Eckhart Tolle reminds us, we are putting a precious gap in the mind stream, and actually inhabiting reality, self and world. This inner stillness begins to lengthen from nano seconds to seconds then minutes. Eventually it can become the continuous silent presence to what ever is arising, grounding us in the larger ground of being.
When we become sensory, we also become aware of our inner energy states and sensations that come from our feelings and physical body. The resistance to “being”, is largely resistance to feeling what is inside of us including physical discomfort or emotional pain. We mostly run from the self-judgements contained in our negative interpretations of our experience. This pain recycles itself because it must be felt, but not through the lens of any story. The story is not ever true and it is what causes the unbearable state of suffering for the psyche.
The actual sensations of the emotions can be felt directly and without story. Getting present to ourselves means facing and feeling what we find within us moment to moment. It is just part of the internal weather pattern arising now, a tension here, butterflies there, a pressure at the throat where tears are choked back. Practice being with the inner sensations without interpretation, following them as you would follow a meandering stream, letting it take you naturally to the source of its flow; or following its release into the ocean of its destiny
On one level that is all it takes and thankfully so…., because as simple as it is, it is not easy. The full force of conditioning and habit, and the difficulties in life that are created from our disconnection with source, keep us frantically in the loop. I notice that even when I recognize I am entranced, I cannot always pull myself back into reality. The power of presence cannot penetrate the compelling momentum yet. Practice is what it takes. Forgiveness and awareness. Don’t get discouraged.
The longing for a peace that stills the constant activation of the body by the mind is awakening in us all, we just haven’t quite recognized it’s source yet. We are weary of stress but accept it as part of the cost of living. Sooner or later it will serve by causing us to search for something more, a larger consciousness from which to experience life. While we have so much more than we ever have materially, we are more unhappy. Life becomes a grind rather than an ecstatic creative experience and sadly we are destroying the very source of that deep ecstatic participation, looking for the next “fix.” Nature is the best “fix” I know especially if we can consume her with our senses, drink in her thirst quenching beauty and study the nature of her ways.
The Invitation
Mother Nature is overflowing with light, love and life. She is a loving sea of vibrant energy that envelops and interpenetrates us. She is a supreme radiance of light and beauty. We are a supreme sensitivity. Can you feel her call? Along with all the Angels, every rock and tree, every field and stream, every sunrise and star is shining with all its being; shining to attract our attention, to enlighten our hearts, to mirror our own radiance, to take us out of self-absorbed separation.
Come partake of sun and moon and stars, forest field and river. Come learn to “eat” beauty as an act of communion; to receive Mother Nature as sacrament. When we partake of her divinity our hearts open and we naturally align with that same radiance in us. Our Higher-Self responds to and is awakened by the beauty of creation.
As human beings we are mediums, deep resonance chambers for the powers of the cosmos. Our ecstasy comes from being filled with these energies. Once we transform the numbness, terror, guilt and grief that creates our sense of separation, we awaken to discover who and where we really are.
Try this practice for awhile. Use a timer or chime to remind you to come into presence through out the day. When you hear it, let yourself stop in the middle of what ever you are doing. If possible go outside and take the time to get really present. Take a few minutes, because your body will be tense and contracted; in doing mode. See if you can consciously connect to your body tension, notice your emotional state as well. Consciously invite your body to relax inside and become aware of the breath of life breathing you, aware of the nature in that, sensation of the air flowing into your lungs, the movement of the body, the sounds of the breath. Become aware of your inner sensations while at the same time being aware of your outer environment. Breath in the awareness of both. Sense the deep dimension of stillness that everything arises out of.
The mystics speak of the Glory of God. For me that glory is palpable in the radiance all around me; in the shine of sun and moon and stars, as well as the deep power and peace that dwells here, that we can know when we can shift into presence. From there celebration and joy becomes the spontaneous natural expression of life itself.