Call us: (540) 752-5540 | Fredericksburg, VA 22406-5314 | earthwalkways@gmail.com


Below are 2 interviews I've done that will give you more of a sense of how I understand what I offer.  Wise...

Below are 2 interviews I’ve done that will give you more of a sense of how I understand what I offer. 

Wise Women Interview


The Earthwalk Retreat – A Supported Retreat Experience Designed for You

June 5, 2014
Hosted by Cella Zappia

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Episode Description

Did you ever feel as if you needed to commune with nature? Get away from it all and spend a few days in quite, clearing your mind and listening to your inner guidance? Let Darlene Rollins create such a retreat for you. Darlene helps people design the retreat that is best for them, either by offering short day trips for walking through the gardens or sitting by a stream. She also can facilitate meditation retreats, visions quests, intensives and contemplative retreats. Darlene is also versed in recent research on nature as medicine, the Pathwork of Self-transformation. Join Cella and Darlene’s conversation about how she helps people cultivate the power of now, educates and guides people through the principles of the transformational movement, shamanic world views, spiritualism, mediumship and the evolution of consciousness.